Kim Caraher

Kim Caraher was an Irish born, Australian author. She died on 19 May 2007 after a long battle with cancer[1]. When Kim Caraher had died, her son had posted up a blog of her death, along with blogs that she had written[2].

At seven years of age, Kim moved to Africa, and lived in three countries before moving to Australia.

In 1998, she earned a Children's Book Council Notable Book award for The Cockroach Cup, which was also shortlisted for the 2000 West Australian Young Readers' Book Award. Also her book Zip Zap earned a Aurealis Award for Best Children's Short Fiction in 2002.


External links


  1. ^ Golvan Arts Management: Kim Caraher
  2. ^ Kim Caraher's Kimbetan Blog of Living and Dying